in urgent need of router w/T3 interface

I have an urgent need for a router to replace the one that crocked last
night. If you have a router to sell or lend please contact me off list

It could be the following or equivalent of a Cisco 7000 with the following
1x T3 clear channel (like a PA-T3)
1x FastEthernet

(Alternatively I can also use a wanPMC-C1T3 card with a PCI adapter.)

Thank you,

Adam Goodman
C: 801.971.1856

I suspect that you might have more luck if you mentioned where you are, how far you would be willing to drive to pick one up and how long you would need to use it for...

For example, I could probably loan you an old 7200 that would fit the bill, but I'm in VA which probably wouldn't work out for you...

Feel free to mail me privately if you don't have any luck elsewhere and I'll pull it out of storage, make sure it is still a happy camper, etc...


I must have forgotten to not my location. I am in Western Massachusetts.