Important changes to the .org tld today.

That's a pretty significant change to the way a global TLD
is operating - definitely a suitable topic for announcement on NANOG
in my opinion.

It is I agree and one as a .ORG customer I'm watching closely, only
spoiled by some pointless marketing drivel in the middle.

Now wearing my obnoxious and unfettered alter ego at Centergate...

"Neil J. McRae" wrote:

The .org zone file will continue to be pushed to the Verisign
nameservers for a short period of time. However due to the fact that
the UltraDNS nameservers publish and propagate zone changes globally
within 5 minutes, rather than the twice daily update schedule of the
Verisign nameservers, answers from the NSTLD.COM nameservers may be
out of date and inconsistent with the actual SOA for up to 24 hours
after a change is accepted by the Public Interest Registry (

And then:

> That's a pretty significant change to the way a global TLD
> is operating - definitely a suitable topic for announcement on NANOG
> in my opinion.

It is I agree and one as a .ORG customer I'm watching closely, only
spoiled by some pointless marketing drivel in the middle.

I don't wear a suit. Ever. But I have run a real ISP before. And I
*have* had to deal with troubleshooting inconsistent DNS.

I assume that you've never had the experience or time sink that I
guarantee *every* major network with customers has when the customer

"Hey, some of my users can get to my site, and some can't. My site is
broken. Fix it. Or fix your DNS. Sometimes it gives the right answer and
sometimes it gives the wrong answer".

Must be nice :wink:

For those of you who *will* have to troubleshoot inconsistent DNS
answers between the two systems, you've now had a "head's up".
Especially those who hard code the root data (see the Nanog archives for
discussions regarding hard coded root hints files). :wink:

PS: I don't need two copies of your posts. Posting to the list alone is
just fine. Or just to me :wink: