IMIX or similiar near-user-load packet generator

Hi all.
Is there any opensource packet generator which can simulate a load
closest to real users? Usually I use iperf, but it can simply generate
huge load.


Snabb Switch (
Ostinato as already mentioned (

- jkt

Thanks, Snabb Switch's packetblaster seems to be what I am looking for.
My goal using it is to find out how much of real users traffic my new
softrouter can handle until it begin doing packet drops.

Check out TREX;


Thanks, Snabb Switch's packetblaster seems to be what I am looking for.
My goal using it is to find out how much of real users traffic my new
softrouter can handle until it begin doing packet drops.

I would recommend Trex with pkgtgen-dpdk or netmap's pkgt-gen. Have your
current router average packet size and rate and generate those patterns. If
you just use the suggested tools the traffic pattern may be different from
what you actually have.