IISP Congress (fwd)

At the NANOG meeting in Boulder, we decided to discuss the date and location
of the next meeting on line.

Enclosed is the announcment of the IISP which has offered to host the next
NANOG meeting in San Diego on April 10, 1995. Please send email to the list
indicating whether this would be a good date for the next meeting, and if
you would consider attending then.

If this is not a good time/place, please make recommendations to the list
or to me privately as to an alternate date/place.


However, from April 10 to April 13, Internet Spring 95 will be held
in San Jose. A lot of ISPs probably will be in SJ.

Either the conference date has to be changed or be moved to SJ.
Otherwise, it will be very difficult for ISPs to attend both, which
are held at the same time, but differnet locations.

Hong Chen 408-257-0900 (tel)
hchen@aimnet.com 408-257-5452 (fax)


Well, I sure wish this meeting was some other week rather than right after
IETF. But, since I'll be at it, lets have the NANOG meeting the Thur or
Thur/Fri after it (13/14 Apr.) Since it will only have been two months
since the last, maybe we can fit all that's needed into just a full Thur.
