[ifl.net #3657] Contact at: DNSRBL / Namesystems

Dear All,

Despite attempts to contact DNSRBL / Namesystems I'm not receiving any
response at all - has anyone on the list any useful contacts?
(www.dnsrbl.com) - please reply off list.

They're blacklisting one of our mail servers - I think for an issue that must
be at least two months old given that they are using an incorrect CNAME
in their list which hasn't existed for two at least two months - and I am
getting nothing but an automated response from their email addresses.



I've checked all 3 MXs listed for vevers.net and none of them are listed
in any DNSBLs I can see, including dnsrbl.net.


I hate to ask the obvious but did you follow the instructions for removal
on this page?




I've checked all 3 MXs listed for vevers.net and none of them are listed
in any DNSBLs I can see, including dnsrbl.net.

I work for an ISP - we have a number of mail exchangers - my domain is not
on the affected server .... and the particular server ( is
still listed.

I hate to ask the obvious but did you follow the instructions for removal
on this page? http://www.dnsrbl.net/getremoved.html

Of course .... twice.

Anyone on the list care to comment on the most effective way to get their
mailservers taken off unresponsive RBL's? (other than not let them be on there
in the first place). We think we know how this one happened but it would be
nice to know so that we can be sure we've plugged the hole - we were never
even informed that the server and had been listed in the first place - we
found out the hard way. I do think that RBL's operators ought to at least
respond to legitimate attempts to clear up issue.



have you seen any 'probes' from dnsrbl.net in response to your 'remove' request. Most RBL's probe with their tests as a response. When the tests don't work (or do work depending on the logic!) they should take you off the RBL fairly shortly.

The nanae newsgroup can be quite helpfull ..

Kind Regards,
Frank Louwers


> I've checked all 3 MXs listed for vevers.net and none of them are listed
> in any DNSBLs I can see, including dnsrbl.net.
I work for an ISP - we have a number of mail exchangers - my domain is not
on the affected server .... and the particular server ( is
still listed.

Well, I've done some digging. I don't see any record of spam from that IP
but I do see a piece of spam from a machine in that netblock in December.
It would be nice if this DNSBL site would tell you why it was listed or at
least provide the message(s) that got a given IP listed.

> I hate to ask the obvious but did you follow the instructions for removal
> on this page? http://www.dnsrbl.net/getremoved.html
Of course .... twice.

Anyone on the list care to comment on the most effective way to get their
mailservers taken off unresponsive RBL's? (other than not let them be on there
in the first place). We think we know how this one happened but it would be
nice to know so that we can be sure we've plugged the hole -

Typically good DNSBLs are quick to respond as long as the requesters work
with them to resolve the issue. It sounds like you have and that
dnsrbl.net is just unresponsive. I agree with another poster, ask NANAE
for help (news.admin.net-abuse.email). Just remember, we anti-spammers
are a sensitive breed but we're more than happy to work with providers as
long as they are willing to work with us. Just state the facts and tell
them that you can't get a response from dnsrbl.net by following the
procedures on their website. That should do it. Oh, and provide the IP
in question up front so they can check to see if it has a history. That
might speed things along.

we were never
even informed that the server and had been listed in the first place - we
found out the hard way.

If I was running a DNSBL I wouldn't tell you I listed you either. It's
not their job to tell you. They are stating their opinion about an IP.
They don't have to tell you when they form or change their opinion about
that IP. If you don't want them to state an opinion about your IP, make
sure it never does anything that they might wish to state an opinion

I do think that RBL's operators ought to at least
respond to legitimate attempts to clear up issue.

I agree. They should be responsive. Ideally they'd provide an automated
method of removal. That would really only work for misconfigured
machines (open relays/proxies/SOCKS boxes, etc..) that can easily be
retested to confirm they are fixed. Given how that DNSBL works, I take it
that a piece of mail from that MX hit one of their honeypots and caused
the listing. Whether that piece of mail was spam, an infected message, or
what relies on when the dnsrbl.net start answering their mail.

Best of luck

Despite attempts to contact DNSRBL / Namesystems I'm not receiving
any response at all - has anyone on the list any useful contacts?
(www.dnsrbl.com) - please reply off list.

I know a lot of DNSBLs, and I've never heard of this one before, nor
do I know anyone who uses it.

Are you sure it's worth any effort at all to unlist yourself? Any
fool can set up a DNSBL, many fools do, most aren't used by anyone.

If someone's using to block mail and you care about sending mail to
that recieipient, I'd be more inclined to call the receipient and
suggest he or she use some more competently run DNSBLs.

> Despite attempts to contact DNSRBL / Namesystems I'm not receiving
> any response at all - has anyone on the list any useful contacts?
> (www.dnsrbl.com) - please reply off list.

I know a lot of DNSBLs, and I've never heard of this one before, nor
do I know anyone who uses it.

I've heard of it...can't remember why. Perhaps just that they popped up
in Blacklists Compared which I check from time to
time. I haven't had the opportunity to look at their site much since it
does "Evil $hit"(TM) that doesn't render in Netscape for Linux and locks
up Opera for Linux. I had to use Konqueror just now to see their site.

If someone's using to block mail and you care about sending mail to
that recieipient, I'd be more inclined to call the receipient and
suggest he or she use some more competently run DNSBLs.

Or just ask them to whitelist you, but it is kind of annoying that dnsrbl
would list your server as a spam source, without making any evidence
available on their site suggesting what caused them to form that opinion.