ifHighSpeed for 10 Gb/s port-channels


can anyone confirm why IF-MIB::ifHighSpeed should return 0 for aggregates
of 10 Gbit/s ports?

My google-foo led me to several topics on "use ifHighSpeed to 10 Gbit/s",
but none is clear on 10 Gbit/s aggregated.

So far I could only find references pointing to IEEE Std 802.1AX-2008
clause (aAggDataRate),
mapping to IF-MIB::ifSpeed, which is locked in 4,294,967,295 (Gauge32). In
this same standard it is very specific
about ifHighSpeed: "Set to zero.".

Or, more directly: how can one find current speed of a 10Gb/s+ link
aggregate port?

Please, answer me off-list and I promise to summarize an answer... :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance.



can anyone confirm why IF-MIB::ifHighSpeed should return 0 for aggregates
of 10 Gbit/s ports?

just to confirm what all those helpful souls told me off-list: most vendors
(Cisco, Juniper, NetScalar) returns ifHighSpeed as sum of current link
members speed.

Something like:

IF-MIB::ifHighSpeed.369098752 = Gauge32: 20000

or maybe, depends on your equipment configuration or model

IF-MIB::ifHighSpeed.14 = Gauge32: 20000

My google-foo led me to several topics on "use ifHighSpeed to 10 Gbit/s",
but none is clear on 10 Gbit/s aggregated.

So far I could only find references pointing to IEEE Std 802.1AX-2008
clause (aAggDataRate),
mapping to IF-MIB::ifSpeed, which is locked in 4,294,967,295 (Gauge32). In
this same standard it is very specific
about ifHighSpeed: "Set to zero.".

Or, more directly: how can one find current speed of a 10Gb/s+ link
aggregate port?

Looks like it's a vendor thing, so blame them if it's different for you. :slight_smile:

Please, answer me off-list and I promise to summarize an answer... :slight_smile:

Wish to thank you all once more, this data helped me a lot!
