IETF Journal Announcement (fwd)

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Forwarded on Mirjam's behalf.

Aside: If you find the Thaler/Aboba article on protocol success
interesting you might also want to check out the plenary slides
from the last IETF:

- Lucy

Don't worry if the ISOC website times out, their firewall isn't TCP
ECN compatible. It was going to be fixed a couple of years ago when I
enquired about it, but obviously hasn't been. Being liberal in what
they'll accept seems to be a bit of a problem for them.

It's the last remaining non-ECN compatible website that I've tried to
access over the last couple of years. The others I'd had trouble with
have all become ECN friendly.

Isn't it the case in the real world that the Internet isn't TCP ECN compatible?

I thought people had relegated that to the "nice idea but, in practice, waste of time" bucket years ago.


> Don't worry if the ISOC website times out, their firewall isn't TCP
> ECN compatible.

Isn't it the case in the real world that the Internet isn't TCP ECN

In my experience no. The Linux kernel defaults to ECN enabled (although
I think distros switch it off), and I've been running my PC ECN enabled
for at least the last 5 to 7 years. The number of websites that I've
had trouble with in that time was such a low number (3), that I
remember what they are. The other two, other than the ISOC website,
have been fixed within the last 3 years.

That's not really an excuse anyway. The ECN bit originally was
reserved, so things that don't understand it should be ignoring it, not
making sure it's set to zero. I understand that's the fundamentals of
the robustness principle. If people claim doing that is insecure,
how are there so many firewalls out there that don't have / aren't
causing this problem?

I thought people had relegated that to the "nice idea but, in
practice, waste of time" bucket years ago.

Not exactly sure of it's exact status, however every now and then I
come across things relating to it e.g. I think I recently came across
proposed ECN additions to MPLS, so it still seems relevant.


Isn't it the case in the real world that the Internet isn't TCP ECN

actually, no. ecn compat is increasing, happy to say.

Randy Bush wrote:

Isn't it the case in the real world that the Internet isn't TCP ECN

actually, no. ecn compat is increasing, happy to say.

Hopefully the number of people with 8 year old pix firewall software is not...