IESG statement on e-mail authentication drafts

Okay. Gasoline, fire, etc.

Antispam proposals advance

IESG announcements:

Document Action: 'Sender Policy Framework (SPF) for Authorizing Use of Domains in E-MAIL, version 1' to Experimental RFC

Document Action: 'SMTP Service Extension for Indicating the Responsible Submitter of an E-mail Message' to Experimental RFC

Most appropriate comment (from the IESG):

"While many proposals for domain-based authorization have been under consideration, no consensus has yet been reached concerning a single technical approach," the IESG said in a statement. "The IESG does not endorse either of the two mechanisms documented in the experimental RFCs--their publication is intended to encourage further discussion and experimentation in order to gain experience that can be used to write future standards in this space."

- ferg