Idea's for donating/recycling server hardware [Off-Topic]

I apologize for being somewhat off topic...

I've got a fair amount of SPARC hardware (v210 through v490) and 32bit HP DL360-380 hardware that I'm looking for creative ways to dispose of or to donate.

It seems like a waste to send it to metal scrap, if anyone has a more creative way of disposal please contact me off list. Local to San Francisco.

*disclaimer, contributions cannot go to religious or political organizations per corp policy*




It's certainly a shame to trash these. This is very appealing
platform for some linux/bsd internals devel and testing. I'm
not local to SF, but if you're willing to package & ship a
couple of them, I'll cover the expenses. This will be for
non-profit/educational development.

Let me know!


There's also at UOregon - as good a home as any
for any gear you want to trash.

I apologize for being somewhat off topic...

I've got a fair amount of SPARC hardware (v210 through v490) and 32bit HP DL360-380 hardware that I'm looking for creative ways to dispose of or to donate.

It seems like a waste to send it to metal scrap, if anyone has a more creative way of disposal please contact me off list. Local to San Francisco.

*disclaimer, contributions cannot go to religious or political organizations per corp policy*


It may not be as widespread in the US, but certainly over here, the average
university will have some kind of (computer|networking) society who'd generally
bite your arm off for old gear.


It seems like a waste to send it to metal scrap, if anyone has a more creative way of disposal please contact me off list. Local to San Francisco.

What about ?

There's also at UOregon - as good a home as any

, and better than most,

Thank you for all of the replies, the response has been overwhelming. :slight_smile:

I think we're going to be able to do some good stuff with this "junk", i'm going to start contacting some folks and get things going here shortly.

Thank you!

-wil will clean up and ship to the academics and ngos in the
significantly less spoiled and privileged countries.
