ICSI Netalyzr launch #2

Folks, you may recall that last June we released a beta version of Netalyzr,
a Java applet you can run by surfing to netalyzr.icsi.berkeley.edu (or to
netalyzr.com). It measures a bunch of the properties of an end user's
network access, particularly looking for transparent modifications (e.g.,
hidden proxies or blocking), connectivity restrictions, DNS modifications,
and some security issues (e.g., whether the DNS resolver is vulnerable to
the Kaminsky attack). You can see a sample report at:


That launch was fairly successful (~50K users). Since then we've been
working on a bunch of improvements, and today we've gone out of beta with
an updated version, so you may be hearing about reports your customers
have gotten from it.

Also, as Netalyzr forms the foundation for a large-scale measurement
study of the Internet's edge, to the degree that you pass along the word
so that more people run it, that would be highly helpful with us gathering
comprehensive data for the project.



Vern Paxson
Associate Professor
EECS Department
737 Soda Hall - MC 1776
University of California
Berkeley, CA, USA 94720-1776
+1 510 643-4209

there are no data in the report, just OK lines with no numbers. and
clicking the links on the lines gave me docs not numbers. bring back
the old version!

macosx 10.6.2
firefox 3.5.7


Works for me.

- - ferg

there are no data in the report, just OK lines with no numbers. and
clicking the links on the lines gave me docs not numbers. bring back
the old version!

macosx 10.6.2
firefox 3.5.7

still there, just hiding.
click the + sign at the top to "expand all".

there are no data in the report, just OK lines with no numbers. and
clicking the links on the lines gave me docs not numbers. bring back
the old version!

still there, just hiding.
click the + sign at the top to "expand all".

aha! thank you!
