ICANN to allow commercial gTLDs

howdy all from a cold room 100km north of the equator.

That's an *amazingly* oblique and de minimis reference to the topic on
point, couched in Eric's usually opaque language ...

i'm reading this from the meeting room where the generic names supporting
organization council is meeting (saturday is gnso policy day), in what i've
heard is disneyland with a death penalty.

two things i think "of note" have occured in the past week+:

1. the deparment of commerce summarized (first round!) notice and comment
period (see the apa or ask an admin practitioner near you or read fox, a
worthwhile activity in its own right -- google "+fox +administrative-law")
on the iana function contract, and

2. the department of justice responded to the department of commerce request
for guidance on competition policy issues and the icann board resolution of
november last to end structural separation in the competitive market
created through the competitive registrar testbed in 2000.

i read each as notice from the usg that the drift, or direction, depending
on one's point of view, of a 501(c)(3) to which rule making may have been
delegated, is subject to correction.

so did anyone have a question or is my epistolary stylistic genius sufficient
as topic of general interest?


... and he talked for 45 minutes, and no one understood a word that he said.


I *think* you're saying that the USG may decide that it wants to piss
the world off even further, by deciding that it's made a mistake delegating
things to ICANN, and *taking them back*; is that roughly where you're going?

-- jr 'anyotherkindathing you got to say pertaining to and about the crime 'a

so did anyone have a question or is my epistolary stylistic genius sufficient
as topic of general interest?

Hi. How does ICANN seem to be reacting to the flaming arrow that the
DOC shot in front of them?

Also, the DOC letter refers to a European Commission letter from Tuesday,
which I can't find on ICANN's web site or anywhere else. Anyone in
Singapore know about it?
