IAHC Plan rejectd by US Gov't

Vince Wolodkin writes:

Well, since IANA works for the US government as a subcontractor on the
InterNIC contract, they should care. Or wait, does IANA even exist
anymore??? Wasn't their contract already ended?

Could you quit spewing bullshit in public?


Perry E. Metzger wrote:

Vince Wolodkin writes:
> Well, since IANA works for the US government as a subcontractor on the
> InterNIC contract, they should care. Or wait, does IANA even exist
> anymore??? Wasn't their contract already ended?

Could you quit spewing bullshit in public?


Gee Perry, your shit don't stink. I've never understood your moronic
dual standard where you say NSI is a government contractor and should
therefore be gone in 1998(you don't like NSI), but you turn around and
even though IANA is a part of the SAME contract you want THEM to stay,
because YOU like them.

Get a grip. It's okay to say, "IANA is doing a good job and we think
they should stay after their contract expires". It's okay to say "NSI
is doing a bad job and therefore they can only stay if they join the
CORE and sign the MoU". It's okay to say "We haven't put our gTLDs in
the roots because we are negotiating behind the scenes to have it
done." It's okay to say any of these things.

I don't understand how you can deny that the IANA effort is a contracted
function in the InterNIC contract and that ISI is in this function a
contractor. You can still say they have done a good job and you wish
them to continue, but right now, if the US gov't decides they want
something done...IANA works for them.

Vince Wolodkin

NSI inherited a simple, specific administration activity. IANA
sets policy. NSI actions are directed by agreement with IANA and NSF.
IANA actions are directed by general community consensus.

  Different scope. Different reporting structure. NSI is narrow.
IANA is broad. NSI is clerical. IANA is policy.

  Thank you for playing.
