Huawei Atom Router

Has anyone seen/touched Huawei's Atom Router? It was announced at the Mobile World Congress 2014.. haven't seen anything on the Interweb since. I'd be interested in getting one or two units to play in my lab!



    Wasn't the Huawei CEO that stated that they where not interested
into the US market.
    ( And by proxy ... the Canadian one )

    And a bunch of ban's around Oct 2013 from a wide variety of countries...

    That's maybe why not many people are talking about their products in
our corner of the world =D

Huawei has sales personal in the US and does sell here. See

And for a more recent Huawei management statement, see
"Huawei executive says it still seeks US sales"


And a bunch of ban's around Oct 2013 from a wide variety of

you mean fear of implants as there are in cisco products?

Was more a statement of fact.

    As if it was warranted. I do not know.

To be fair, they've fixed one of the big concerns that were raised
with them a couple of years ago: google for huawei + psirt now
actually returns usable results. No idea how well the interface with
them works when you're actually trying to report a vulnerability
(maybe someone can speak up).


Alain Hebert <> writes: