how to protect name servers against cache corruption

  Well seeing this has dicussed in detail in BugTraq I would assume
everyone you are worried about has already need it. Now the question is
have the people that need to know seen it?

apparently not. i have yet to be impressed by the depth of understanding
of security in general or of dns in particular shown on the bugtraq list.
that list has a lot of hanger-on wanna-be fear-uncertainty-doubt types and
the folks who actually have a clue seem to mostly just lurk.

i am still waiting for a demonstration of this bug, with or without a patch.

"send code."

apparently not. i have yet to be impressed by the depth of understanding
of security in general or of dns in particular shown on the bugtraq list.
that list has a lot of hanger-on wanna-be fear-uncertainty-doubt types and
the folks who actually have a clue seem to mostly just lurk.

Thats an opinion. Guess the other 12K subscribers disagree. No offence
Paul but seeing that you a history of not fixing security related bugs
when they where told to you months in advance (remember cron?) I dont put
much weight on your opinion of BugTraq.

i am still waiting for a demonstration of this bug, with or without a patch.

"send code."

send money

Aleph One /
KeyID 1024/948FD6B5
Fingerprint EE C9 E8 AA CB AF 09 61 8C 39 EA 47 A8 6A B8 01