How to begin making my own ISP?

wasn't useful to you at all? :frowning:

I didn't receive any such email, sorry. Try resending it if you
still have it ?

@ Everyone else: thank you for the useful information. I didn't
mean to come off as being bratty with my competition notation, it
was meant as a bump to the posting and not an insult at anyone.

More info: yes, I was planning on having some co-lo sort of stuff,
maybe running a dedicated server provider. However on my own IP
space, and a good method of getting bandwidth of cheap. Stuff like
paying 5€/GB makes me feel sick.

I didn't receive any such email, sorry. Try resending it if you
still have it ?

Maybe hushmail blocked it? :slight_smile:

@ Everyone else: thank you for the useful information. I didn't
mean to come off as being bratty with my competition notation, it
was meant as a bump to the posting and not an insult at anyone.

Thanks for clarifying.

More info: yes, I was planning on having some co-lo sort of stuff,
maybe running a dedicated server provider. However on my own IP
space, and a good method of getting bandwidth of cheap. Stuff like
paying 5€/GB makes me feel sick.

Hmmmm. Me thinks that's a no go. You are entering an incredibly
stiff competitive space. If you do have some magic pixie dust, I would sell
it to the highest bidder. :slight_smile: (I do believe people were seeking pixie dust in
the 444 thread if I recall correctly).

Not to be snide, but what makes you think you have something that will
let you break into the colo market against a huge assortment of players?
(ref the lots and lots and lots of money response). You'll need some hefty
capital to attract customers. Plus if you can only compete on price, the
established players will just cut costs to match you.

That's all my opinion of course. wrote:

Whoa. How strange. I actually *own* that book...but then, I'm old, and crotchety, and know what ISIS is (yes, I love saying that).

That said, one oh-so-brief word of advice to Mr Hushmail, and it's accurate, from YEARS of experience, and will hopefully be taken seriously. First step, before you follow any of the others, is to make a business model. Second is to find a venture capitalist group, and convince them that you have your ducks in a row, and plan to make them (and yourself) rich. Otherwise, don't give up your day job.

Not being remotely cruel, here (and I could be, and I'm good at it). If you aren't spending someone else's money, you need to have plenty of your own, and I'd bet you don't. I suspect you would be shocked at the amount of money a startup similar to what you're proposing would take. Here's a clue; the number will have at least 7 digits (US Dollars). It's always about money. So it goes.

That's not outside the realms of possibility, especially if the sender
was using OpenPGP. Hushmail does many odd things with its
implementation (e.g. still no support for PGP/MIME or even SHA-2).


When we needed an ISP in Yakima back in '95 we found a rich guy in Seattle,
got him to hire an old SunOS geek and an illegal Englishman, and a very
small space on the 19th floor of the Westin. Then we talked him into
putting his first POP in Yakima where he would have immediate paying
customers. He was tired of using broken UUCP email for his trading
company. That was our "hook". That ISP founded what is now SIX, so not all
was lost.