How should ISPs notify customers about Bots (Was Re: DNS Hijacking

"Some privacy advocates" will be upset with ISP's doing what Cox is doing.
Maybe you missed that. If we assume that it is okay for Cox to actually
intercept the IRC sessions of their users, we're wayyyy far into that
mess anyways. I'm saying "do it right" if you're going to do it at all.

Personally, I'd prefer that they didn't do it, but that set of solutions
is more complex.

... JG

"Some privacy advocates" will be upset with ISP's doing what Cox is doing.
Maybe you missed that. If we assume that it is okay for Cox to actually
intercept the IRC sessions of their users, we're wayyyy far into that
mess anyways. I'm saying "do it right" if you're going to do it at all.

Would it be better if ISPs just blackholed certain IP addresses associated with Bot C&C servers instead of trying to give the user a message. That doesn't require examining the data content of any messages. The user just
gets a connection timeout.

Personally, I'd prefer that they didn't do it, but that set of solutions
is more complex.

So it is better for ISPs to do nothing, than attempt something that isn't perfect. Thanks. I'll remember that the next time someone complains about ISPs not caring about abuse or bots on networks.

Someone will find something to complain about no matter what ISPs do.