How long will it take to completely get rid of IPv4 or will it happen at all?

Before that will happen. Isp's will first try cgnat and the alikes. They rather spend money on hardware supporting that then make the networks dualstack.

Why? you may ask. Simple. Most customer service centers have ppl with less then basic skills. Explaining how ipv4 even looks like took them long enough.

Abuse ticket systems and logparsers are probably also v4 based. And the one who wrote them, probably got fired and replaced by a younger/cheaper guy who just got out of school with no real field experience.

When will the change happen then you might ask. Very simple. If the largest destinations like fb/twitter and others start to drop v4.

So what we really would need is not an ipv6 day, but, you might have guessed it, an ipv6 ONLY day.

On such a day, a hell of a lot isps will have their support queue overfilled with people asking why they cannot visit their favourite sites. And all the isp can say is: our network infrastructure is too old.

-------- Oorspronkelijk bericht --------

When will the change happen then you might ask. Very simple. If the
largest destinations like fb/twitter and others start to drop v4.

Agreed, IPv4 will be here a long time, because, not one company will risk
financial loses and stock devaluation over address space. The day that a
large company flips to IPv6 only in an IPv4 world will be the day to short
as many shares of that stock as possible.

This creates the big market for IPv4. Costs price per IP address must get
beyond the price of a good lunch once per month. Because, that's an amount
that businesses understand and begin to pay attention. IPv4 address space
is now a profit center and will cost more to the end user than transit and
network costs... Or... how will IPv6 catch on in any other way ?

This is like the switch to using MX only for email rather than MX. and A for mon MX aware systems.

It will just happen and no one will notice.

> When will the change happen then you might ask. Very simple. If the
> largest destinations like fb/twitter and others start to drop v4.

Agreed, IPv4 will be here a long time, because, not one company will risk
financial loses and stock devaluation over address space. The day that a
large company flips to IPv6 only in an IPv4 world will be the day to short
as many shares of that stock as possible.

T-Mobile US large enough ?

I hear they have more ipv6-only subscribers than ipv4


This creates the big market for IPv4. Costs price per IP address must get

By "IPv6 only" I believe he meant "stop offering IPv4 reachability to customers". Since you use 464XLAT and NAT64, you still offer IPv4 access even though it's done over IPv6 to the customer.

Before that will happen. Isp's will first try cgnat and the alikes.

They already are. And, depending on the network, have for eons. Have you checked the IP used by your cellphone? (the last few times I bothered to look... somewhere in 29/8. I thought that was really funny.)


Simple: Money. It's cheaper to install a $100k NAT appliance (or several) than it is to replace 16mil CPE devices, plus all the engineering, testing, and customer support "training" (read: BS scripts to follow.) AND, your customers aren't having any trouble getting where they need to go. Sure, there will be the forward thinkers pushing for IPv6, but not because there's some IPv6 only place they need to go (or be.)