Hotmail/MSN postmaster contacts?

Any Hotmail/MSN/Live postmasters around?

My company sends subscription-based news emails – which go to thousands of users within Hotmail/MSN/Live. I appear to be getting blocked recently after years of success.

I have read the postmaster doco at MSN. I have put SPFs for SenderID into many of my news station domains but it doesn’t seem to be affecting my success at delivery over other domains which do not yet have any such configs. What am I missing to get un"blacklisted"? I can’t seem to find any human contact info on there.

Any offline contact would be greatly appreciated.

Apologies for the noise.

Hotmail mail administrators are unlikely to be lurking on NANOG. But,
there are standardized processes one uses to reach out to them
regarding delivery issues. I would recommend you start here:

Reach out via that form, explain the situation, and ask for guidance.
Indicate to them that you are indeed using Sender ID. They'll likely
respond with info regarding JMRP, Hotmail's version of a feedback
loop, and SNDS, data Hotmail provides regarding how your mailings are
perceived by their systems. Both are valuable and highly recommended.

Issues like this are usually indicators of reputation problems;
generating too many spam complaints, hitting too many spamtraps, and
generating too many bounces. Not sure what your specific situation
would be, but proper handling of bounces and proper signup practices
are a must.

MAAWG, The Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group, publishes a sending
best practices document. It might be a good place for you to start. It
can be found here:

If you're not able to get somewhere based on all of this, it might be
wise to seek some specific consulting on this front, or partner with
an email service provider, most of whom would manage these types of
issues for you, or in coordination with you.

Best regards,
Al Iverson

I have read the postmaster doco at MSN. I have put SPFs for SenderID into
many of my news station domains but it doesn't seem to be affecting my success
at delivery over other domains which do not yet have any such configs. What
am I missing to get un"blacklisted"? I can't seem to find any human contact
info on there.
What I did in the past in a similar situation was sign up for an MSN
account, complain that my office couldn't email me, and keep escalating
until I reached somebody who understood the problem. Of course the
circumstances were somewhat different, and a spammer in a nearby netblock
had ignored them and they ended up blacklisting the whole /24 instead of
just the spammer's /27-- but it's still probably worth a try.

Check the archives. I believe there are more than a few of them here.


Which works just great for some networks that don't otherwise care.
Especially some of the large colo farms.
