Horrible world trade center crash, traffic effect

: I don't presume to speak for Akamai, but both Avi Freedman and Patrick
: Greenwell have confirmed this on inet-access, and there is also an
: official news release at:

: http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/010911/112407_1.html

: Definately a sad day for a company that is playing a role in helping the
: news services to get the word out today.

He was a great man. It was my honor to work with him and to help to
teach him the ways of the network freaks for the last 2 years. He didn't
tolerate anything but 100% effort and forward motion from anyone - most
especially from himself.

We in the network group keep expecting him to show up at the office
all pissed off, brushing dust off, go Akamaize some customers, and then
go kick some terrorist ass.

Unfortunately, the complete tragedy is thousands or tens of thousands
of times larger than Akamai's loss.

: Chris Adams <cmadams@hiwaay.net>

Thanks for the thoughts,
