home.nl NOC contact number.

Does anyone happen to have a contact number for home.nl's noc? I need to
speak with someone there ASAP about a incident that just occured.

I all ready tried....

response I got was
"Ohh, home.nl, that's a different company completly. So it's not out problem"

Me: "Well, can I get the phone number?"

Them: "Uhhh, I don't have it... Sorry"

Quoting Mr. M <mistrM@socal.rr.com>:

Someone from the .nl domain got into our database server, and proceeded to
delete everything.. I got his ip... So I'm hunting him down...

We got backups, but still ... This was a pretty big deal..

Quoting Scott A. McIntyre <scott@xs4all.nl>:

@home hasn't a clue.

I got spam recently that was sent from outside their network, via an open relay
within their network. As a service, I let them know about the open relay.

They told me it wasn't their problem because the sender wasn't their customer.

That's like saying "don't tell me if you see a burglar on my premesis, because
he obviously doesn't work for us".

I don't care about busting the spammer, morons; I have procmail to filter that. I
was trying to help YOU with YOUR problem.


First of all, sorry for my late respone, I haven't read NANOG for a while.

Does anyone happen to have a contact number for home.nl's noc? I need to
speak with someone there ASAP about a incident that just occured.

Do you still need contact?

If so, or if you need contact with someone from .nl in the future, feel
free to contact me. I am a member of the security group of the dutch
federation of ISP's and I have a list of quick-contact numbers in my
cellphone for security/technical issues (our so-called quick-response