History question, Morris worm

and what's more fun, when they come back up on jan 3 or whatever, they will
have whatever y2k problems then.

I recall after the Morris worm hit the Internet, reading a report sites
which unplugged their ARPANET connection were down longer than sites which
remain connected and got repair information over the net.

Does anyone else remember that, and knows a citation for the report (or
news story) I'm recalling?


and what's more fun, when they come back up on jan 3 or whatever, they
will have whatever y2k problems then.

I recall after the Morris worm hit the Internet, reading a report sites
which unplugged their ARPANET connection were down longer than sites which
remain connected and got repair information over the net.

discussing this issue with a friend whose less than clueful site admins are
taking the whole institution down for the weekend. your explanation that
they would just prefer to deal with it monday during 9-5 makes sense. but
that means that those of us who feel responsible may have to deal with it
for three days while the <bleep>s bring their sites back online one by one.


We disconnected the Cornell campus but kept our DMZ net connected, so we could get and send mail and news in a contained environment.
