History of unannounced changes to the DNS core

Try to match the quotes up with the actions.

  Postel gave no prior notification that the test would take place, a
  fact that drew criticism.

  "It's caused a good deal of uncertainty and perceived instability in
  the system," said Chris Clough, a spokesman for Network
  Solutions, which operates under a contract with the National
  Science Foundation. "It's a concern about who can authorize
  changes over the infrastructure and traffic patterns of the Internet."
  - Associated Press, February 4 1998

  "We're very concerned," Becky Burr, administrator with the Commerce
  Department, said Tuesday. "This was undertaken without consultation
  with the United States government."

  People trying to visit the popular Internic directory which checks
  the availability of a new Web address are unexpectedly being swept
  automatically instead to the home page for Network Solutions Inc., which
  offers to register Internet addresses with the com, net or org suffixes
  for $119.
  - Associated Press, March 24 1999

  NSI, naturally, has a different point of view.
  "The registry information is our proprietary information." says NSI
  spokesman Chris Clough. "We've been providing it free to the community,
  but under the contract, all of the intellectual property gathered
  through the InterNIC process is our proprietary information."
  - ABC News, March 7 1999

*raises his hand and shakes it wildly* oh oh oh! me me me!

I remember this incident. I talked about it slightly in my SiteFinder

Network Solutions, in this classic move, decided, "What the hell do we need
Internic for! Why not just send people to our site to force them to go
through our bullshit to do even the most simple things! Lets not let them
get access to the control forms for their domains except through a pointless
looping process that makes no sense whatsoever. Oh. lets not forget to
extort as much money from people as we can!"

Oh, don't you love it? Its history repeating itself.