historical BGP announcements? (pre-1997)

I've got a need to look for some announcements from the mid 1990s.
The oldest I've found at at the University of Oregon Route Views
Project, but the earliest I can find there appears to be November of

Anyone have pointers to date from earlier?

That’s when PCH began archiving them (and subsequently turned that archive over to U of O). We weren’t aware of anyone publicly archiving transit routes prior to that.


Hey John,

Just out of curiosity, what do you need this data for?

I've got a need to look for some announcements from the mid 1990s.
The oldest I've found at at the University of Oregon Route Views
Project, but the earliest I can find there appears to be November of

Anyone have pointers to date from earlier?

sorry, that was the start of public route collection. nothing earlier.


Collected announcements? None that I know of. A possible
proxy for them? Maybe.

  Dig through the NSFNET NACR archives, and you can at least
build a list of possible announcements. (The same is probably true
of any old PRDB data kicking around out there, and the NSS configs.)


Just in case someone has, or finds, historic BGP data sitting,
CAIDA would be willing to host it.

somewhere, I have a DVD of the Route Server logs from when we first turned up the NSF/NAPS (circa 1994) until the UO service came online. I know I offered them to CAIDA at one time. Don’t remember anything happening. (not that it matters, but I also have the RFC 1918 blackhole server logs from inception until 2002.)


Well, if you ever run across them again, I’m sure Brad and Steve and I would all be happy to publish them.


i am wondering if there is an archive of whatevertheheckweusedtocallthem
before they were swips. began with r i think. what curtis processed
every wednesday.
