
How are you ?
When I saw this screen saver, I immediately thought about you
I am in a harry, I promise you will love it!

gone.scr (38 KB)

'tis a sad, sad day when a cisco employee tries to infect the nanog ml
membership with a windoze virus.


"..." wrote:

> How are you ?

'tis a sad, sad day when a cisco employee tries to infect the nanog ml
membership with a windoze virus.

Yeah? It's an even sadder day when a report of same (after the second one I
started to get annoyed) gets the following message.

** This is an automated message *** A mail message sent from this account to
a Cisco employee had an attachment called gone.scr. The file gone.scr
contained a virus. Please contact your local System Administrator.

Yeah, I KNOW there was a virus. An abuse address should be just a bit

> How are you ?

'tis a sad, sad day when a cisco employee tries to infect the nanog ml
membership with a windoze virus.

"Tries to infect" implies deliberate behaviour - obviously not the case here.

I think you owe him an apology.

Geesh - it's starting to sound like Robin Williams in Popeye 'You owes mes
an apologeesk'

On Dec 11, 2001 measl@mfn.org spake:

I don't think it was deliberate. Aside from that, it's given me something else to match my filters against - possibly before it explodes a little more!



yet another productive nanog thread

This just keeps getting better and better.

As far as I'm concerned, every day that people continue to use outlook when
it is known to have *sploit/infect me* written all over it, is a sad day.

What I love the most is "Well, I know it catches and spreads virii and sends
my confidential office documents to just about anyone behind my back, but I
really like it"

People never learn, really...


You would think that NANOG would filter out all attachments sent to the
mailing list.

Wow, what a concept!!

I'm sure this is not what you meant, but I have noticed recently
that many less-technically-inclined people seem to think that "the
attachment" is the dangerous thing, almost as if the "technology of
attachments" is somehow flawed and risky.

This is surely a triumph of marketing over education.


Well, actually they've tried education. Even the anti-virus vendors
feel the same, they've tried, they've failed to educate. So, not to
put TOO fine a point on it, if people aren't 'clueful'(how nice) enough
to A: turn off known harmful options, B: run current antivirus software(if you don't you are criminally negligent), C: use software that, if not virus
proof(don't know of any, but...), is hard to infect, and not open attachments
from people they don't know, then filter it. Is there any operational
reason to have attachments clutter NANOG? Not that I can really think of, other
than what this whole topic is about. You want to share big logs with people, etc, put them on a web site.

todd 'sick of people using email as a file server' suiter

I'm sure this is not what you meant, but I have noticed recently
that many less-technically-inclined people seem to think that "the
attachment" is the dangerous thing, almost as if the "technology of
attachments" is somehow flawed and risky.

i think it is

   flawed - mime does not make things compatible, but rater codifies
   incompatibility. the sender things that, because they can send it,
   the receiver can understand it.

   risky - as it allows encapsulation of executables, and the masses
   do not understand the concept, it opens up a channel to deeper in
   some recipients' systems than these naive users may be aware. but
   like other tools, the misuse is not in the tool, but the mis-user.
   otoh, the user could be better warned, and the toolmaker could
   make the default installation safer for the recipient.


My personal favorite is the "Out of Clue autoresponder" that tells me all the

1) The person just announced to all and sundry on a worldwide mailing list
that they will be skiing until Dec 22, so burglars are welcome until then.

2) And their X-Mailer tag tells all the miscreants who are not into burglary
exactly which methods of delivering an e-mail based trojan will work, in
case you wish to e-mail them an attachment that opens the victim's financial
software and transfers all the money in the checking account, and then install
a keystroke recorder to snag credit card numbers.

Yes, these are usability features. Just not for the owner of the software :wink:
