<Help with Content Switching Module for 6500>

Hello all,

                I am having very unusual problem with the CSM. This is
what my problems. I have my active CSM setup for a Fault Tolerance
group with a priority of 100 and an alternate of 30 and set to preempt.
Now for some reason I cannot get the standby configure to get the
configuration from the Active. I did a debug and it appears the CSM on
the standby is deleting it's configuration and the active fails to sends
its configuration. So I know the Active is talking across the VLAN I
have created for this purpose. I can see the information coming up on
my debug from both ends. Below is my configuration. Any help on this
is appreciated. Thank you in advance.

DR01.SNATXDC1# show module csm 8 ft detail

FT group 2, vlan 45

This box is active

Configuration is out-of-sync

priority 100, heartbeat 1, failover 3, preemption is on

alternate priority 30

total buffer count 6214, illegal state transitions 0

receive buffers not committed 0, send buffers not committed 0

updates: sent 4, received 0, committed 0

coup msgs: sent 0, received 0

election msgs: sent 0, received 2

heartbeat msgs: sent 1057, received 594

relinquish msgs: sent 0, received 0

conn replicate msgs: sent 462, received 0

conn refresh msgs: sent 462, received 0

conn reset msgs: sent 61, received 0

conn redundancy errors: msgs lost 0, msgs rejected 0

packets: total received 0, total dropped 0, duplicates 0

           checksum failed 0, dumped 0, buffer unavailable 0

number of state updates in last 8 transfers:

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Critical device and interface tracking:


DR02.SNATXDC1#show module csm 8 ft detail

FT group 2, vlan 45

This box is in standby state

Configuration is out-of-sync

priority 10, heartbeat 1, failover 3, preemption is off

total buffer count 6214, illegal state transitions 10

receive buffers not committed 0, send buffers not committed 0

updates: sent 4, received 0, committed 0

coup msgs: sent 0, received 0

election msgs: sent 2, received 0

heartbeat msgs: sent 0, received 984

relinquish msgs: sent 0, received 0

conn replicate msgs: sent 0, received 0

conn refresh msgs: sent 0, received 0

conn reset msgs: sent 0, received 0

conn redundancy errors: msgs lost 0, msgs rejected 0

packets: total received 5056012, total dropped 0, duplicates 0

           checksum failed 0, dumped 0, buffer unavailable 0

number of state updates in last 8 transfers:

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Critical device and interface tracking:



ft group 2 vlan 45

  priority 100 alt 30


DR02.SNATXDC1#show run module 8

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 5 bytes
