
Anyone out there who can help in setting up iBGP looking glass for an IXP. We currently are running 2 route servers and and 2 switches, they all are Cisco equipment. We also have a working web server running on FreeBSD 8.0. Any help is highly appreciated.


Anyone out there who can help in setting up iBGP looking glass for an

i am confused. ibgp is internal to an isp. an ixp is external. but i
am easily confused.


oh, and all the bgp looking glasses i have surveyed basically sucked.
they either brought in 42kg of dependencies, used naked telnet, or some
other fatal flaw. if you already run rancid, you might look at the one


Hey thanks, the iBGPlay is not for ibgp alone. Namex which is the IXP in italy has implemented the software. You should try the demo it is really good and informative. Anyway let me try the light weight and see how it goes.

When he sat down on the bed, he quickly pulled his stretchy pants down as far as he could reach. Still, his tremendous prick was trapped, the pants leg tight around his ankle and the swollen, almost eighteen inch circumference pole. Unh! Gotta give my dick some room! I need this out! Chris lunged forward and desperately pulled at the pants, trying to free his gargantuan schlong and give himself some needed relief.

WHACK! Freed of its confinement, the tree trunk of Chris’s cock slammed into his face. Chris was stunned by the hot, solid mass of his colossal prick. The wide, firm shaft pushed against his face, rising to its full thirty inches proudly. Trying to right himself, Chris grasped his dick firmly with both hands (although unable to fully encircle its eighteen inch girth) and felt any resolve he might have had melt away. Ohh, man. I gotta jerk off. My cock needs to be jerked off. It’s so hard and it’s been waiting sooo long. I won’t call the girls. Jen will understand. I can’t help it. There’s no way I could wait that long. It’s impossible. If I can just jerk off once…a few times… some, I can wait for Jen to get back. Just a few times and I can wait. Maybe an hour or two and I will be fine. Chris’s hands eagerly roamed up and down the expanse of his giant dick, caressing himself and causing him to gasp in anticipation. Yesss. Been waiting
so long, haven’t you? Chris wrapped both hands under his throbbing monster and bounced it up and down, feeling every ounce of its massive, twenty-five pound weight. Gotta take good care of this cock.

Oooh! Wait! Jen has lube in here! Nothing but the best for my huge cock. You’ve been such a good boy, waiting all this time. Stroking himself lovingly, Chris levered himself upright, spreading his legs wide to accommodate the twenty pound weight of his full, heavy ballsack. That lube will feel sooo good on my fat dick. Oh, yes it will, won’t it? Chris patted his titanic rod proudly, and stood up, feeling the sudden weight of his hugely bloated cock and balls. Ohhh, yeah. Who’s got the biggest package in the world? Me.

He caught a glimpse of himself in Jen’s mirror and straightened up proudly. His gargantuan, smooth ballsack hung heavy between his legs to his knees, pushing his thighs apart due to its incredible size. His thirty inch long cock bobbed up and down as he straighened up, standing up fully erect despite its monumental dimensions. His slender frame was dwarfed by his mammoth package. Chris’s swollen cock was thicker than his arm, and looked to be almost as thick as his thigh. Oh, yeah. That’s what a real man looks like. Nobody else has a cock half as nice as this one. Chris continued to stroke himself as he turned to admire himself in the mirror, watching his gargantuan rod bob up and down hypnotically. Chris experimentally thrust his hips back and forth and was rewarded with the consuming sensation of forty five pounds of hot cock and balls bouncing and flopping between his legs. Ohhh, that feels great! No wonder the girls can’t resist me. Look at
all this meat. I’m surprised that Terry and Greg can keep their hands off this beautiful dick. James can’t keep his hands or mouth off my prick, and he hates gays. I must drive Greg crazy.

Chis watched his thick, stiff prick slowly bob as he pumped his hips again and again, letting his immense nutsack shift between his legs. Chris reveled in the feeling of his huge, heavy ballsack sliding over the skin of his thighs He reached down and cupped his immense, bloated balls. He slowly lifted them up, feeling their mass in his arms, and letting their upper curves lift his gargantuan slab of meat. Oh, yeah. Nice and full. Tasha’s right. I do like to keep my balls nice and full. Chris bobbed his nuts up and down, admiring himself in the mirror. Why not? Bigger is better, right? Like Jen said, too big is best. Chis was mesmerized by the sight of his gargantuan genitals, looking so oversized on his small frame. Time to give this fantastic dick a little TLC. Chris confidently leaned forward to grab a bottle of Astroglide from Jen’s bedside table.

“Aaaaargh!” Chris’s erection, longer than his reach, slammed into the table. Oh, baby! Daddy’s sorry! Chris wrapped his arms around his shaft and hugged it tightly, caressing it with his fingers as he winced. The motion brought his thick, warm shaft to his face as he did so, and without thinking, he leaned forward and kissed it several times. I’m so sorry, gorgeous. I never want to hurt you. Chris continued to kiss his fat salami, moving from quick pecks with closed lips to open-mouthed kisses. Is my baby okay? Can I make it feel better? Chris continued to plant sloppy, wet kisses all over his veiny, throbbing rod. His wet lips wandered over all the hot flesh he could reach. Finally, Chris opened his mouth wide and gave his glans a long, lingering lick. Mmmmmm. Daddy will make it all better. Mmmmmmmmm-hmmmmm.

What am I doing? Chris pulled his head back from his dick, with an unexpected reluctance. I’m not gay. Why am I licking my own dick? Chris sat down on the bed and looked at his own mammoth erection. Only gay guys want to suck dick, right? The urges from his huge, throbbing prick were too strong to resist completely. Chris squirted lube all over his right hand and rubbed his hands together, then grasped his thick, veiny shaft and began to stroke slowly. That’s better. It’s not gay to love jerking off. All guys jerk off. I just love it more because my cock is so big and thick. Chris stared at his monster dong with admiration. So much bigger than anyone else. He continued to stroke his shaft with delight, the huge amount of lube squelching as he spread it all over his dick.

I like it when Jen licks me. It feels soooo good. I like it when Kimber and Tasha lick me. They both do it so nice. I like it when the girls lick my cock. Chris reached down and clenched his thick shaft at the base. He slid his hands up the length of his pole as he laid back on the bed. When he couldn’t reach any higher, he reversed direction and began to stroke downward towards his overstuffed balls. I’m too big to even reach my cockhead this way. It’s so great to be too big. Chris massaged his swollen, churning nuts.

It felt pretty good even when James sucked my dick. I wasn’t looking for a guy to suck me off, but that felt pretty good, too. He was crazy for it, just like the girls. Anybody would be crazy for this cock. Chris started another slow, leisurely stroke up his cock, but this time he pulled his huge, thick prick close to his body, bringing his gigantic, broad cockhead close to his face. This way I can stroke it all the way to the head. His massive prick felt so heavy and hot on his torso. I like having my cock sucked. Chris’s gargantuan dick was now throbbing less than an inch away from his face. I love having my cock sucked. He began to stroke it steadily, faster and faster, keeping it held close to his body, and his face. My cock loves to be sucked. He crossed his legs in a loose lotus position, squeezing his massive ballsack with gentle pressure. Chris continued to stroke his thick salami, roaming his hands all over his sensitive shaft. My cock needs
to be sucked. He brought the tip of his tongue out of his mouth and lightly licked his own cock head.

Ohhhhh, yeah! The feeling was amazingly intense. That feels incredible! Chris continued to massage his veiny monster, trying to restrain himself from licking his dick again. It’s not gay if you suck your own dick, is it? He licked himself again, tentatively. Fuck, that feels good! It’s not gay if you jerk yourself off, right? Chris squeezed his legs together, increasing the pressure inside his swollen ballsack. It’s gay if you beat off another guy, but it’s not gay to jerk off yourself. Chris allowed himself a long, lingering lick, roaming from one side of his huge shaft to the other. It’s totally not gay to suck your own cock, then.

Chris began to lick his own cock with increasing vigor. As his huge dick was almost six inches thicker than a two-liter bottle, he was unable to reach everywhere, but he was obviously making an effort. Mmm. Feels so good. As he continued to stroke his dick harder and faster, Chris began to slurp and kiss his own cock head, planting wet, sucking kisses all over his cock head. Such a good cock. So tasty and delicious. Soon, Chris was arching his back, hugging his fat monster to his chest to let his frenzied tongue lick the very tip of his broad, red cock head. I wish I could lick every inch, buddy, but I’m doing my best! You’re just soooo big. Stretching, Chris devoured his cock head with his tongue, from the fat, sensitive rim to the very end of his cock slit. His tongue strained to reach everywhere, but Chris’s dick was just too massive for his mouth to be able to reach every spot. I need some help licking this cock. The girls might be able to
handle all of it, but I bet a few more girls could just about lick all of it at once. The thought of a bevy of beautiful girls all determinedly slurping on his giant schlong turned Chris on even more.

Mmph. Chris slurped his open mouth all over his cock head, eagerly tonguing himself into a frenzy. Mmmmmph. Chris rocked his legs back and forth, pumping his bloated, overfilled balls with sensation. Mmmmmmmmmmmmph. Chris lapped his tongue up and down his hypersensitized cock slit.

Oh, fuck! I’m gonna cum all over Jen’s bed! Chris could feel a massive, unstoppable orgasm building deep in his balls. He did the only thing he could. He took a deep breath and planted his mouth firmly over his own, gigantic cock slit.

Uuuuuuuuuuungh! Chris felt the flood of cum begin to geyser up from his balls, flooding inexorably up his thick, hot shaft. Automatically, his arms continued to stroke his colossal rod and his legs clenched to squeeze the most spunk out of his super-sized nuts. Before he even thought about it, a torrent of thick, hot jizz had erupted into his mouth. Mmmph! There’s so much! Chris struggled to gulp it all down, already feeling a second pulse of cum building up in his balls. It tastes…good! Ughpf! Chris guzzled down the second surge of jizz, and the third, but he could tell that his weighty nutsack had plenty more to come. I’m not sure I can swallow all this. Its too much! As a fourth, then fifth flood of semen bulged out his cheeks before being sucked down, Chris felt a familiar fullness building in his flat tummy. I’m cumming so much I’m filling up my tummy! How much jizz have I swallowed? I’m getting full! Involuntarily, Chris thought of the
gorgeous little Persephone, seated on the table, stuffing him with doughnut after doughnut. No, I’m not! If I can stuff myself with doughnuts I can stuff myself with cum. I can do this! Chris tightened his grip on his gigantic rod and began to pump even more vigorously. He choked down enough spunk to let himself take a gasp of air, and began to suck desperately on his own cock. Mmmmmm, yeah! Come on, baby, gimme all you got!

After a dozen huge pulses of cum had surged up his cock and into his eager mouth, Chris’s stomach was full and bulging. However, he carefully and deliberately squeezed his entire shaft, from root to tip, while sucking as hard as he could. Chris carefully drained every drop of cum he could out of his huge cock before releasing his liplock on his fat cockhead. He licked his lips to recover every ounce of spunk, then rubbed his hands over his full belly with satisfaction. Aaaaah. Just a little bit and all of this will go right back to fattening up my balls. I could probably do this all ni…

“Can you start over? I forgot to grab my camera.” Chris glanced around the massive column of his still firm dick and saw Tasha and Kimber watching from the open door.

Kimber began to clap. “Oh, Chris, that was amazing! I think you swallowed even more than me or Jen! “

can someone do a blanket block on nanog*

Anyone going to block this fool ?

Happy to help you if you get stuck. The work flow looks very similar
to what
is in BGPlay, so once you have the MRT file that contains desired data, you
are most of the way there.

I suspect the issue you will hit is that you already have existing route
and when you specify the route servers as the source
route-reflector-clients, then you will
see the route servers as the "routers" in your views rather than your
peer routers.

If on the other hand you have control over your peer routers, and you
can reflect directly to the
iBGPlay routerserver, that appears to be the model they show in their
setup documents.

John Kemp (