he.net or other ipv6 tunnelbroker service?

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This has been facing periodic downtime for a day or two at a time quite
a few times over the past few months.

Probably related to http://ipv6.he.net/forum/read.php?f=1&i=717&t=717
where Mike Tindle of he.net described a situation where they were facing
capacity issues on their router, setting up CEF ... and another
situation where there are so many tunnels, it's not fitting into nvram
on the tunnelbroker router but was being loaded off / written to a
pcmcia disk.

Right now current downtime has been about two or three days.

I know, it is a free service and I really shouldn't be bitching. I'd
consider upgrading to a paid tunnel, but their paid service offers only
v6 colo at their facility and leased lines (T1 all the way to OC48).

My personal colo is at another facility nearby (Sherman Oaks CA) and all
I need is a simple v6 tunnel.

Anybody else around nearby who offers a tunnelbroker (I think the only
other free one on the same continent is Viagenie / freenet6, in Canada,
which gives you 6bone IPs)


- --
srs (postmaster|suresh)@outblaze.com // gpg : EDEDEFB9
manager, outblaze.com security and antispam operations

That message is close to a year old, so unlikely to be related to
the current problems ...


Jesper Skriver wrote:

Probably related to http://ipv6.he.net/forum/read.php?f=1&i=717&t=717
where Mike Tindle of he.net described a situation where they were facing
capacity issues on their router, setting up CEF ...

That message is close to a year old, so unlikely to be related to
the current problems ...

That is the last post on that forum describing in any sort of detail what the problem is.

If anything, their service has grown larger / more popular.

I can only assume that this is more of the same problem.
