he.net down?

www.he.net seems to be down on both IPv4 and IPv6 -- does anyone know what is
going on?

Down here as well


www.he.net seems to be down on both IPv4 and IPv6 -- does anyone know what


Down here as well

~$ ping6 www.he.net
PING www.he.net(he.net) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from he.net: icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=124 ms

Fine here in FL

$ ping6 www.he.net
PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) 2001:470:5:4ed:cabc:c8ff:fea1:560c --> 2001:470:0:76::2
16 bytes from 2001:470:0:76::2, icmp_seq=0 hlim=55 time=178.017 ms

My peering with them at PAIX has been down for almost 50 minutes.

Not able to get to them via other paths...

Just posted to outages@ (where this discussion should likely be taking place):

HE's entire network is intermittently down. They claim it is a DoS:

It is not the first time this week.

Mike & the team are good engineers, they'll do what they can to bring it backup quickly.

There are lots of other rumors floating around, but I think you should wait for official word. HE is not a telco, they will tell you what happened. (Right Mike? :slight_smile:

Looks like fremont/lax is down which is the normal path to my tunnel
endpoint (currently unreachable). There were issue late last week
as well.


traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 44 byte packets
1 ( 8.059 ms 6.195 ms 7.196 ms
2 bla1-ge0-0-1.gw.optusnet.com.au ( 7.895 ms 7.501 ms 8.788 ms
3 bla5-ge2-1.gw.optusnet.com.au ( 8.692 ms 6.985 ms 7.314 ms
4 ( 162.929 ms 162.457 ms 163.349 ms
5 10gigabitethernet1-3.core1.lax1.he.net ( 163.099 ms 164.391 ms 174.027 ms
6 10gigabitethernet1-1.core1.phx1.he.net ( 178.051 ms 173.395 ms 174.653 ms
7 10gigabitethernet1-3.core1.dal1.he.net ( 197.036 ms 196.807 ms 202.276 ms
8 * 10gigabitethernet4-4.core1.chi1.he.net ( 223.289 ms 224.630 ms
9 10gigabitethernet3-2.core1.den1.he.net ( 247.460 ms 247.256 ms *
10 * * *
11 * * *
12 * * *
13 * * *
14 * * *
15 * * *
16 * * *
17 * * *
18 * * *

Linode's Fremont location was effected too, HE are their network providers, was down for about an hour.


Here's what Linode at Fremont looked like from our network
(m5hosting.com) and the Linode sites in Newark, and London.


The smokeping from our network at m5hosting.com is through the Any2 at

Hi Michael,

Our smokeping shows a similar thing.

A lot of packetloss around the 30th / 1st on IPv4 while V6 was unaffected. Their support stated it was a fibercut in the usa somewhere.

From Amsterdam all shows good and green again.


Its working fine from India as well...
