HE IPv6 tunnel inbound


I have a Hurricane Electric v6 tunnel setup on an AWS (amazon web services)
instance so that i can have ipv6 connectivity. I can ping and traceroute
out of the tunnel fine, but am unable to access the tunnel from outside.
For example, i am unable to traceroute to the tunnel address outside the
tunnel address, even with the AWS instance firewall completely open. I
would like to host a website accessible via IPv6, hence the tunnel setup.
Is this possible? if so, what could i be doing wrong? Or is there a
better was to go about this?



I have a Hurricane Electric v6 tunnel setup on an AWS (amazon web services)
instance so that i can have ipv6 connectivity. I can ping and traceroute
out of the tunnel fine, but am unable to access the tunnel from outside.
For example, i am unable to traceroute to the tunnel address outside the
tunnel address, even with the AWS instance firewall completely open. I
would like to host a website accessible via IPv6, hence the tunnel setup.
Is this possible? if so, what could i be doing wrong? Or is there a
better was to go about this?

google/bing/yahoo/webcrawler search result:


I have a Hurricane Electric v6 tunnel setup on an AWS (amazon web


instance so that i can have ipv6 connectivity. I can ping and traceroute
out of the tunnel fine, but am unable to access the tunnel from outside.
For example, i am unable to traceroute to the tunnel address outside the
tunnel address, even with the AWS instance firewall completely open. I
would like to host a website accessible via IPv6, hence the tunnel setup.
Is this possible? if so, what could i be doing wrong? Or is there a
better was to go about this?



Or you could take your business to the dozen or so cloud / vps providers
that support ipv6. ... Softlayer and Arpnetworks come to mind. I have used
both with a high level of sucess


Also: www.cloudflare.com (for free)

Este mensaje ha sido enviado gracias al servicio BlackBerry de Movilnet

To add to that list, I highly suggest Linode. Amazing provider with
the best customer service I've seen.


Thanks for all the replies. I will look at Chris's solution to see if that
will work. I had found similar instructions, but none as extensive. Also,
I am using the AWS free tier right now, hence the choice, but i am open to
other suggestions.


VR.org (Host Virtual) as well. I've asked about IPv6 BGP support and
while I haven't tried it yet they say that can do that too.



I have a Hurricane Electric v6 tunnel setup on an AWS (amazon web


instance so that i can have ipv6 connectivity. I can ping and traceroute
out of the tunnel fine, but am unable to access the tunnel from outside.
For example, i am unable to traceroute to the tunnel address outside the
tunnel address, even with the AWS instance firewall completely open. I
would like to host a website accessible via IPv6, hence the tunnel setup.
Is this possible? if so, what could i be doing wrong? Or is there a
better was to go about this?



Or you could take your business to the dozen or so cloud / vps providers
that support ipv6. ... Softlayer and Arpnetworks come to mind. I have used
both with a high level of sucess

VR.org (Host Virtual) as well. I've asked about IPv6 BGP support and
while I haven't tried it yet they say that can do that too.


VR is fully dual stack support throughout their network and a good bunch of guys.

With LINODE, they're mixed since some of the colos they are in have IPv6 (like HE, for example) and some don't. So if you go with LINODE, make sure they know to put you in a location with IPv6. (note this may be out of date and they may have IPv6 everywhere by now, as I know they were working on it)

To the best of my knowledge, both provide excellent services at competitive prices. There's a soft spot in my heart for VR because I have done some work for them and I like the two guys that run it.


Linode now has IPv6 in all the DCs they colo in -