Has spam factory dakotacom.net moved from ACSI to Alternet ?

I've been receiving buckets of spam from dakotacom.net, as many as 90 per
day. They've been connected to ACSI for many months.

ACSI has a new anti-spam AUP that went into effect today. Today I see that
traceroutes to Dakotacom go through Alternet and
medic-net-gw.customer.ALTER.NET. But the route looks odd, maybe a leak
rather than a new real route.

I don't speak BGP (my multi-homed ISP does that for me), so can anyone see
who's announcing ? ACSI? Alternet? Both?

John Levine, postmaster@abuse.net, http://www.abuse.net, Trumansburg NY
abuse.net postmaster