Has anyone out there had problems with Sunrise Leasing?

Let me first start with the comment that I apologize for this off topic
post. However that being said, this is very relevant for any ISPs or
other companies that do business in the used equipment market.

We are gathering information on Sunrise Leasing relating to any alleged
problems or possible mistreatment that you may have had. We are
interested in any legal, billing, alleged unfair business practices, or
other related problems. I am not a lawyer, nor do represent one. I
represent Net Access Corporation (aka nac.net), and as a long time
participant in the ISP community we are very interested in anything that
helps to protect the interests of the independent ISPs.

Sunrise Leasing is also known as (all based out of Minnesota):

  Sunrise International Leasing
  International Leasing
  Sunrise Leasing Corporation
  Cisco Systems Capital Corporation
  Internet Finance & Equipment (IF&E) Capital Corporation
  Redirect Tech

We are considering a class action lawsuit against Sunrise and any
information that is relevant may help. Even if your dealings with them
were many years ago or if your company has since gone out of business we
are still interested in hearing from you about your interactions with
Sunrise Leasing. In addition, if you know of any current or ex employees
that have information we would be very happy to speak with them as well.
We are interested in both good and bad experiences, we need your help.

Please direct all replies to me (off list), as I do not want to clutter
the list with extraneous traffic. All replies will be kept confidential.

-- Alex Rubenstein, AR97, K2AHR, alex@nac.net, latency, Al Reuben --
-- Net Access Corporation, 800-NET-ME-36, http://www.nac.net --