Harassment (was Re: ELAN.NET ...)

Well, I understand that this _appears_ to be a marks issue.

However, the operator (NS) is allowed under the regulatory
agreement (quasi-ICANN gTLD contract) to create a reserved
words list, as is the regulator, independent of any other
theory of right.

in-addr.arpa sure isn't copyrighted.

When I negociated NS's deal with CNNIC, it was not novel that
they (CNNIC) wanted the names of some (highly respected)
individual persons similarly not offered unconditionally to
unqualified buyers.

We'd the same language in the .BIZ (ICANN) agreement, and in
the .US (US DoC)

Recap: nanog didn't have to be trademarked to have been one
of the "reserved words" for a registry operated for a large
part of north america, and it is at the registry operator's
discression to retroactively withdraw words, subject to the
overview of its regulator, in this case, the US DoC.

On the other hand, if disfunction can only be cured by copy
right, things are going to be entertaining.

no longer speaking, for, or to, NS, the DoC, ICANN, or god.