Happy 1234567890 everyone!

Just in case you missed it.

date -d "Fri Feb 13 23:31:30 UTC 2009" +%s

It's like a really geeky y2k without the potential cataclysm. :slight_smile:


Yes... that is more like the y2k38 problem on 03:14:07 UTC

...by then I can only hope I am out of this profession. :slight_smile:


You haven't lived until you've lived through an epoch.

Once upon a time, Ravi Pina <ravi@cow.org> said:

Yes... that is more like the y2k38 problem on 03:14:07 UTC

Oddly enough, the end of the current Unix epoch is a prime. Not only
that, it is a Mersenne prime, 2^31 - 1. Even more, it is the largest
known Mersenne prime where its Mersenne number (31) is also a Mersenne
prime (2^5 - 1).

You can always count on numerology. This means something!

Question about 2k38: Aren't most Unixoid systems using 64-bit clocks now?

Once upon a time, Nathan Malynn <neito@nerdramblingz.com> said:

Question about 2k38: Aren't most Unixoid systems using 64-bit clocks now?

Unix/POSIX systems use "time_t" to store the base time counter, which is
seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC). Most platforms still
use a 32 bit time_t for compatibility.

However, it does appear that at some point, 64 bit Linux systems
switched to a 64 bit time_t, so I can only assume others are switching
as well. Hopefully, the 32 bit systems (at least that have to count
seconds) will be mostly gone in another 29 years.

Exactly! What are we going to do when we're at the end of the 2^64
epoch?? (after the sun burns out and.. oh wait)