Halon-protected colo space available (how do I market it?)

Hi all,

I have a 1000 sq ft Halon protected vault in San Francisco (about 1.5
miles from downtown) that I am looking to sublet some space in. We can
rack it out or sell it by the square foot. It has about 10 tons of
redundant AC and copper access to a PacBell Lightspan 200 mux in the
building MPOE. We also have about a thousand square feet of concrete
outside for the location of condensers and generators. We are very
close to the power plant and as a result were not affected by the power
outage in SF the other day. We expect that we will improve the HVAC and
power as time proceeds.

I would like to move quickly to get some deposits on moving in, and am
willing to do what it takes to get them.

If anyone has ideas about targeted marketing in this arena or are
interested themselves, please contact me at this address.


Brian Topping