h.gtld-servers.net offline...

Unless I am mistaken, h.gtld-servers.net is offline and has been for an hour or two. I can't see the containing prefix,



I think you're mistaken about the server being off-line, since I can see it just fine from many places. The RIPE NCC dnsmon tool can also see it from its various probes:


I don't know any details about how that servers is deployed, however, so it's non-trivial to draw more conclusions about what problems you're having. Perhaps a single anycast node has some issues, or perhaps has flapped a bit, and has been suppressed due to dampening in your neck of the woods.


Joe Abley wrote:

I think you're mistaken about the server being off-line, since I can see it just fine from many places. The RIPE NCC dnsmon tool can also see it from its various probes:
DNSMON — RIPE Network Coordination Centre

That's old data. This is a recent incident. (IIRC, the most recent data isn't publicly available).

It's rolled over and you can see it going down in the live interface now:

I don't know any details about how that servers is deployed, however, so it's non-trivial to draw more conclusions about what problems you're having. Perhaps a single anycast node has some issues, or perhaps has flapped a bit, and has been suppressed due to dampening in your neck of the woods.

I did (and do) check on multiple ASs that I run and asked a few others to check, also checked looking glasses and so on.

But anyway, it's back now, so nothing to see. Obviously a local problem of some sort.


So, out of curiousity, i loss of 1 of 13 gtld servers important? I believe
(though I could be mistaken) that these are actually anycast as well. I
think dropping even 2-3 of the servers probably wouldn't affect overall
performance would it? won't bind pick the 'best' place to ask regardless
and stick/prefer that over 'slow' servers?

It's certainly an interesting data point, but how does it affect the
network as a whole? (perhaps this was the 1 hour/year permitted for maint
on the network/device in question?)

I think he was right to report it here - its operational issue with very large TLD. But it is certainly nothing to seriously worry about as dns
compensates for such problems.

Ooops, sorry, I didn't mean to harangue Will for reporting it, I was
asking if it was in fact not a big deal because the system has
compensation methods in place to deal with even 2-4 device outages.

sorry for the confusion.