.GW registrar?

Hello all,

Does anyone have a contact at either DENIC or "Fundação IT & MEDIA Universidade de Bissao" that can advise if registrations are currently being accepted for .GW domain names? The IANA admin contact,
admin@register.gw, is at a domain with no valid MX records (or A records, for that matter). The technical contact is listed as DENIC.

-- Ben Carleton

Re Ben,

ben@bencarleton.com (Ben Carleton) wrote:

Does anyone have a contact at either DENIC or "Fundação IT & MEDIA Universidade de Bissao" that can advise if registrations are currently being accepted for .GW domain names? The IANA admin contact,
admin@register.gw, is at a domain with no valid MX records (or A records, for that matter). The technical contact is listed as DENIC.

I'll pick this up and forward your contact info to someone inside DENIC
who might know.


You should let ICANN know that you're having problems reaching the admin
contact. The best starting point is probably iana@iana.org.



Thank you to everyone who contacted me off-list, my questions have been
answered. For everyone's future reference, .GW is not currently
accepting registrations.

-- Ben Carleton