GTT Woes

Hi Folks,

I was expecting a quiet weekend but it seems that is not the case. We have an IP-VPN circuit in Connecticut that feeds back to Montreal. We have a base-line of 15MS over the past few months which fits with the distance.

We have a previous incident a week and a half ago where it jumped to 50MS for 5 days. This was resolved by GTT and caused by a failover to a “protected” path due to an alarm that wasn’t properly handled for all that time. We had a really bad time with their Support/NOC and are quite stunned at how poorly it was handled.

Well surprise, we are back in the same train. My latency jumped from 15MS to 35MS and then to 50MS a bit later. That happened on the 7th at 5:00PM Eastern and has been ongoing ever since.

We’ve hard a very hard time getting anything out of GTT. Numerous back and forth with as much information as possible from our side. I am basically seeing the +35MS on the circuit when reaching the NY/Connecticut GTT PE straight from my device that is in the same region.

I even have another GTT 12 miles from that location that has a 15MS latency all the way back to Montreal.

If anyone can poke, dig or has anything for us, I would greatly appreciate it. I can provide ticket numbers and circuit ID at any time.

Have a latency free weekend!
