
Looks like they settled their peering argument?:

GTE Internetworking has joined with Exodus Communications, Inc. to speed up
their customers' access to the Internet.


Hmm.. not to start another massive thread here, but I wonder if this means
that Exodus is now paying for transit and/or peering?


Its actually a cute little press release. It basically says... "We did
something." without saying what that something is. Apparently Vapor is an
acceptable product these days.

Justin W. Newton
Got Clue? ISPF 98

Disclosure of this information is probally violation of
the agreement, so unless you work for one of them, or know
someone who does, you won't find out.

  The ability to speculate is great though :slight_smile:
  - jared

> Hmm.. not to start another massive thread here, but I wonder if this means
> that Exodus is now paying for transit and/or peering?

  Disclosure of this information is probally violation of
the agreement, so unless you work for one of them, or know
someone who does, you won't find out.

Indeed. Point well taken.

Still, I have a funny feeling that GTEI/BBN is being compensated royally
for this. This would have never happened otherwise, methinks.

I doubt Mr. Curran is doing this simply to allow himself and his customers
to continue accesssing quality Exodus-hosted content, such as the Spice
Girls and Then again, I could be mistaken! :slight_smile:

Nope... we're not paying for transit or peering. In fact, we don't buy any
transit (or at least none that i know of :wink: ... steve or rob can probably
elaborate a bit more on this.)

Our peering strategy is more a group effort.
(See ... describes the Brokered
Private Peering Group we started with ELI, Savvis and others...)

Hope that clarifies stuph.

Sr. Systems Engineer
Exodus Communications

last i checked wasn't on the exodus network.

i think it's on is on exodus though... :wink:

as per the contractual issues, all they told lowly engineers like myself
was that we could disclose publicly the fact:

1. we have reached a solution with GTEi
2. it includes expanding ds3's with them
3. we're not buying transit or paying for peering
4. we're like friends and stuff now... :wink:

i'm sure when bowman gets up, he'll have something to say. he probably has
a LOT more insight into #3

sr. systems engineer, exodus communications

last i checked wasn't on the exodus network.

i think it's on

Well, last time I was at your Joisey colo, I saw a Sun Ultra labeled
"spice girls" somewhere. I never bothered to investigate further; my bad. is on exodus though... :wink:


as per the contractual issues, all they told lowly engineers like myself
was that we could disclose publicly the fact:

1. we have reached a solution with GTEi
2. it includes expanding ds3's with them
3. we're not buying transit or paying for peering

Question is: How does money pass hands? Do you pay any "facilities" costs
to GTEI/BBN, that technically may not be considered "paying for peering",
for isntance?

4. we're like friends and stuff now... :wink:

i'm sure when bowman gets up, he'll have something to say. he probably has
a LOT more insight into #3

Insight is good.

Actually, after reading it, I found it somewhat deragatory on the part of
GTE. Note that it insinuates that GTE has helped Exodus increase the speed
on thier Network. If you read it without really knowing how this all
works, you might think that GTE is performing charity work.

I'd put this release in the same category as all the junnk flowing out of
the beltway in regards to Clinton's fiasco. It's ugly for a company like
GTEI to feel that they have to resort to such posturing.


I'll admit that it's a little sparse on details,
but that's due to the NDA of the agreement. The
main point of the release is to let folks know
that there will be continued connectivity, including
additional interconnects.

I wouldn't categorize that as "vapor", but that's my
own perspective.


1. we have reached a solution with GTEi
2. it includes expanding ds3's with them
3. we're not buying transit or paying for peering
4. we're like friends and stuff now... :wink:

Hmm... this isn't the complete story, but Exodus needs
to decide whether it wants complete information released.

i'm sure when bowman gets up, he'll have something to
say. he probably has a LOT more insight into #3

If you're going to post some information about the
agreement, get the information from Ellen Hancock,
BV Jagadeesh, or Bert Dollahite. Rob wasn't in the
negotiations; I don't know the extent to which he
has been briefed.

I can't post information about the agreement because
of Exodus's request to keep such confidential. If
this changes, please let me know.


While GTE does bunches of charity work (GTE Foundation?), it's generally
for worthy non-profit causes...

Avoiding charity work was what led us to the discussion of
wildly asymmetric peers in a shortest-exit world...


Well, last time I was at your Joisey colo, I saw a Sun Ultra labeled
"spice girls" somewhere. I never bothered to investigate further; my bad.
  Maybe that's a nickname for their noc.
