Government scrutiny is headed our way

Unfortunantly I highly doubt this will have much impact. Firstly, all of the
"smurf kiddies" are using hacked shells, so when you trace it back to them
they don't care, they just move to the next machine. Secondly, the most
and persistant smurfers (read "conflict") are too stupid to know better even
if you
start bumping off smurfers left and right. You're likely to scare the casual
network admin who smurfs his isp's competition or such, but thats about it.

My strategy is to hit the smurfers where it hurts, the broadcasts. I email
the broadcast
network, and their uplink, and their uplink, until something gets done. If
you can exaust
their broadcasts quickly enough it becomes too "expensive" for them to

Well, we do it one better - we black-hole the network.

I just added another ~60 prefixes to the list after another persistent smurf
attack. I've given up trying to trace them myself (although we do report
it) because the big networks, where this originates, are unwilling to help
in a timely fashion.

If people bitch about the connectivity loss, well tough shit. Better
to have a working network that can get to 99.5% of the Internet than a
completely trashed one with full visibility.

I'm going to have to talk to our lawyers about whether or not we could *sue*
the amplifier networks. Most of them are truly large organizations (ie:
universities, big corporations, big national providers, etc) and could easily
pay such a judgement.

Heh, now there's an idea :slight_smile:

>Not really. The best approach is to nail a few of these folks with felony
>indictments for the denial of service attacks, and the theft of the
>amplifier network's services. That would stop this practice cold.

Unfortunantly I highly doubt this will have much impact. Firstly, all of the
"smurf kiddies" are using hacked shells, so when you trace it back to them
they don't care, they just move to the next machine. Secondly, the most

I think the main issue is -- or should be -- getting AMPLIFIERS to fix
their problem first.