google / massive problems

Can someone from Google Drive or Gmail contact me off-list?

The sign in services and applications are outright down trying to use them
in Chrome. Trying to contact enterprise support via several numbers just
results in an immediate disconnect.

The App Status page shows no problem, but Twitter and Facebook are blowing
up with trouble reports, and I have tons of technical status codes to
share, but no one with whom to share them.


I can't speak to enterprise services, but I just logged in to my own
personal GMail account -- with 2 FA -- with no problems, from the Seattle
metro area.

- - ferg

Same. Works for me (WashDC/NoVA Area).


Works for me from Nova, Level3 and Cogent.
Sam Moats

No issues from my site routing over AboveNet and using Google Apps for
Business -- Drive and Gmail working as expected.

This is the delight I'm faced with, but seems to be affecting the latest
version of Chrome, both on Win7 and MacBook Pro (OS X 10.8.5)...again,
confined to Chrome (image attached).

Emails won't sent, drafts won't save, and no apps will load without an
error. Sign-in also fails with numeric code 5.

I'm in Dallas, but I've also tried over VPN from endpoints in Atlanta, New
York, Los Angeles, Seattle, Amsterdam, Singapore, and London with no change.

piling on a tad: (for consumer gmail/drive)
1) existing session cookies work fine
2) new sessions work fine, + 2-step auth

from nova/701 connected me.

for an apps-for-your-domains account, same src location:
  1) new login works fine

err... maybe you have a bad chrome extension or profile problem if
it's only affecting chrome?

you could test with a new chrome profile:
  google-chrome --user-data-dir=$(mktemp -d)

and see how things go?

Yea, I'll pile on too. I have 5 entities that I have gmail accounts setup for, plus my personal @gmail account. I regularly keep several of them open at the same time, but for at lest 3 or 4 days I've been unable to stay logged into more than 1 at a time. I've only used Chrome, and I'm in PHX at NANOG. It's super annoying.

How do I configure my router for this?