google contact? why is google hosting/supporting/encouraging spammers?

we have recently started getting alot of spam, out of dubai, from ""

all of the spam comes from/through google and google groups.

is this accepted/supported activity on google?

if not, where might i find a contact who can cluefully respond? maybe? Looks like some random spammer based in Dubai
judging by the airport code. maybe? Looks like some random spammer based in Dubai
judging by the airport code.

yeah, tried that several times. seems to go to a black hole.

i've engaged the spammer, and they are telling me that they feel it is ok to
subscribe people to their group, because it sends out a subscription notice,
as well as an unsubscribe link.

they seem to be quite happy to use an @gmail account, and use google groups to
propagate their spam.

most recently, i got from them: "Yes you are right, you can complain to Google, but to complain, you have a right email address, because this address we don't have listed."

so, they are not concerned about being reported to google.

very odd.

is this a legitimate google groups activity?

someone can set up and say "well, yeah, he musta gone to one of our websites
or something, how else would he get on our list?"

and google is ok with that?

geez, "do no harm"



Google groups cautions you about pre-emptively adding people if you
choose this method of subscribing them.

Google groups cautions you about pre-emptively adding people if you
choose this method of subscribing them.

"here, have some free guns. oh, by the way, its probably bad if you go around
shooting people, so don't do that."

it is starting too look to me like google is quite happy to host spammers.

or, at best, doesn't care if spammers use them to host their services.

I feel fairly sure in saying that most mailing list software, newsgroup
software, and communication software in general, will allow you to
preemptively add people to your address book, subscription lists, etc.
Every router and switch out there allows forged packets through them,
should we lambast the hardware manufacturers even though numerous
accompanying handbooks recommend good practice configurations?

Google has been very quick to deal with issues of spammers every time I
have brought it up.

* David Ford:

I feel fairly sure in saying that most mailing list software, newsgroup
software, and communication software in general, will allow you to
preemptively add people to your address book, subscription lists, etc.

But most injection points are blacklisted quickly when this happens.


we have recently started getting alot of spam, out of dubai, from ""

all of the spam comes from/through google and google groups.

is this accepted/supported activity on google?

if not, where might i find a contact who can cluefully respond?

Jim Mercer +92 336 520-4504
"I'm Prime Minister of Canada, I live here and I'm going to take a leak."
  - Lester Pearson in 1967, during a meeting between himself and
   President Lyndon Johnson, whose Secret Service detail had taken over
   Pearson's cottage retreat. At one point, a Johnson guard asked
   Pearson, "Who are you and where are you going?"

Not that I can point you in the correct direction, but Google Groups is a haven for spammers. In fact, I stopped using it a while ago for this reason.

I do find it odd that gmail is very good at filtering spam, but groups isn't/doesn't.


the issue for me is not that they are spamming groups within google groups,
but that they are signing up the victim email addresses as members of the
group, then using google groups to distribute the content.