Google burp

I guess I'll be the one to ask...what's going on over at Google? Service
interruptions and front-end errors all over the place across what appears
to be all services, though Gmail seems to have bounced back up. Google's
service disruption is about to bring Twitter's service to its knees as
people complain and try to figure out what's going on.

Blair Trosper
Updraft Networks & The North Texas GigaPOP

Hey now, we're doing fine over here at Twitter. :stuck_out_tongue:


I was editorializing the quantity of tweets about the Google outage more so
than the quality of service of Twitter. :slight_smile: Apologies.

It's just the annual exercise to remind people how reliant they are on
a single company/infrastructure.

Same in uk as well just got service back

It's back working for me (after just a few minutes of brokenness), but I
have to say I really loved the "out of order" splash page I got when my
calendar went down:

"Sorry, there seems to be a problem. The service you're looking for is
temporarily unavailable. Please try again in a few hours. Thanks for
your patience."

Ahem, a few *hours*?

I had my service go down and come back and when it came back i have
the new reply/compose features of the new gmail system

It wasn't there before

yeah, be careful with their new compose feature. i'm used to vim, so i
hit esc half way through an email which generally does nothing.
however, with this "new" feature, it closed the email. then it took it
longer to appear in drafts than it did to compose a new email. so, now
i've disabled it. i hope they don't force the issue until they give me
vim key bindings in my email editor :slight_smile:

Once upon a time, shawn wilson <> said:

yeah, be careful with their new compose feature. i'm used to vim, so i
hit esc half way through an email which generally does nothing.
however, with this "new" feature, it closed the email. then it took it
longer to appear in drafts than it did to compose a new email. so, now
i've disabled it. i hope they don't force the issue until they give me
vim key bindings in my email editor :slight_smile:

Have you tried the Firefox add-on that can turn input boxes into vi
mode? Does that work with Gmail?

And if you are a Chrome user have a look at Vimium [1]


looks promising:
i enter insert mode -- all commands will be ignored until you
hit esc to exit
i might be able to handle this - i could never get vimperator

(sorry for hijacking the thread :slight_smile: )