Good work, MCI!

It's now been 7 days one hour since I opened the "critical" priority
ticket with MCI security with no callback :slight_smile:

Three calls to the noc with ticket "18" got nothing but laughs.. "We
dont have tickets that low" .. :-p

Growing pains? :frowning:

  Ticket #18 sounds like it may have come from C&W, the standard
ticket format being CWDSD:MMDD:xx. If this is the case, then calling
MCI security would probably not be very productive.

C&W security can best be reached by sending an email to, and including the ticket number in the subject

OTOH, I have no alternative to offer to expedite contacting MCI.

It's now been 7 days one hour since I opened the "critical" priority
ticket with MCI security with no callback :slight_smile:

Three calls to the noc with ticket "18" got nothing but laughs.. "We
dont have tickets that low" .. :-p

Growing pains? :frowning:

- --
Rusty Zickefoose | The most exciting phrase to hear in science, | the one that heralds new discoveries, is not