Good transit provider @Hutchison Cavendish Centre

Hi Folks,

Any recommendation for a 1 Gig Transit provider at Hutchison Cavendish
Centre? Has to be able to black hole DDOS attack using BGP communities.
Preferable: Tier 1 provider with US present (IAD would be best)
HK NSP mailing list doesn't exist anymore?




You won't be able to get many choices there. Given its a Hutchison
building, thought about Hutchison?

You'll need a local loop otherwise, coverage is probably not easy too and
being a hutch building, you wont get much choice.

Other recommendations (if you forget about local loop issues), Pacnet,
Telstra/Reach, PCCW, TATA, NTT, etc.

Every provider should be able to meet your DDOS requirements.

We thought about that. But now are not happy with the service.
We are willing to pay for local loop.
You would think that every provider should be able to provide a black hole
community to their customers, but that's not the case. Lots of places don't
do that.


