Good network sniffer?

Hi Nanog,

Can anyone recommend a good network monitor that can replay captured
packets? Windows or *nix. Free is great, commercial is ok too.



tcpdump + Ethereal for *nix, best tool in de biz if you ask me...and
free too.



Can anyone recommend a good network monitor that can replay captured
packets? Windows or *nix. Free is great, commercial is ok too.

Ethereal. Free.

You gotta love their catchy little descriptive sub-heading: "Sniffing the
glue that holds the Internet together." :slight_smile:

tcpdump and ethereal can replay captured packets?

Tcprelay may get the replay portion of your question,


You can add netdude <>, along with
   ethereal and tcpreplay, and you will have a powerful solution to
   sniff and decode packets, and to edit and replay them at will.

      - yann

{tcpdump || snort - as a agents} + ethereal.

Much better than $xx000 commercial sniffer(s) /I used both, and oput
commercial system into the wastebucket after comparation/.

Exception - if you need H.323, use commercial sniffers.