gmail issues ?

Anyone seeing gmail issues ? I checked at

and it says all ok. Yet I either get an RST, or it just times out, or
the 3 way handshake completes, and then just FINs my connection. I tried
a number of different source IPs inside my network as well as some
outside my AS.

# telnet 25
telnet: connect to address Connection refused
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host

17:12:29.464719 IP > Flags [S], seq
688245543, win 65535, options [mss 1460,nop,wscale 3,sackOK,TS val
2436358711 ecr 0], length 0
17:12:29.496153 IP > Flags [S.], seq
2208544696, ack 688245544, win 5672, options [mss 1430,sackOK,TS val
1980791251 ecr 2436358711,nop,wscale 6], length 0
17:12:29.496174 IP > Flags [.], ack
1, win 8330, options [nop,nop,TS val 2436358743 ecr 1980791251], length 0
17:12:29.528117 IP > Flags [F.], seq
1, ack 1, win 89, options [nop,nop,TS val 1980791283 ecr 2436358743],
length 0
17:12:29.528135 IP > Flags [.], ack
2, win 8330, options [nop,nop,TS val 2436358775 ecr 1980791283], length 0
17:12:29.528195 IP > Flags [F.], seq
1, ack 2, win 8330, options [nop,nop,TS val 2436358775 ecr 1980791283],
length 0
17:12:29.559511 IP > Flags [.], ack
2, win 89, options [nop,nop,TS val 1980791314 ecr 2436358775], length 0


Yes, I have issues with IMAP at the moment.

I've been having massively delayed incoming mail since about Sunday
(2011/03/13) some email taking days to come in, some still hasn't
(Amazon Order status updates for example from Monday still haven't
shown up yet)

Odd. I haven't had any problems at all.

I've been having problems with gmail sending to my works domain for a couple of months now. All e-mails that come via the gmail infrastructure are being delayed by up to an hour between two hops in their infrastructure.
In typical fashion Google's support are utterly non-communicative. I've even had a friend who works for them pass on details internally to see whether that would help but no joy. The conversations I've had or heard over the last couple of years regarding their support quality leaves me reluctant to ever consider Google's Apps for Business as anything even remotely approaching suitable for such.


I have a personal gmail account and several Google Apps accounts for email
and other services for my business. Been using them constantly without
issue. Please follow up if you find an issue on their end...


The pop server had some problems today for my account. Cleared about an hour later. The web version of the email worked fine.


I have been a happy Google Business Apps user for a good year now. I cannot
think of a single outage myself, although I have had an employee complain a
time or two. As I work quite a bit more, and use the services quite a bit
more, and have noticed nothing I am chalking there "issue" up to user error.

Anyway that said I was curious to find out how there support is as I have
not really had to use it. I just logged into my admin portal and called the
following phone number: 800-598-3901. Within a minute I had a capable human
on the phone who spoke good english. No offense to those who don't but hey
I admit it is nice to pay for a service and have the ability to communicate
with their support. He says that all business apps are online as of about
10 minutes ago.

He also referred me to the link below if I wanted to keep up to date on the
status of services and look into any issue. Looks like they have one issue
reported on the 9th so they do maintain it. Anyway I am satisfied with the

Thanks for the conversation... motivated me to get all the support
information jotted down in case I do run into something.



I was seeing the same yesterday between 5:30 and 6pm, eastern time

I was seeing the same yesterday between 5:30 and 6pm, eastern time

From: Michael Loftis []
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 8:07 PM
To: Mike Tancsa
Cc: NANOG list
Subject: Re: gmail issues ?

Anyone seeing gmail issues ? I checked at
Google Workspace Status Dashboard

I've been having massively delayed incoming mail since about Sunday
(2011/03/13) some email taking days to come in, some still hasn't
(Amazon Order status updates for example from Monday still haven't
shown up yet)
