Gmail down?


Indeed, down for me too, from France:

% telnet http
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
GET / HTTP/1.0


yup, down in switzerland too...

There is a notice on the Gmail support page (

Status Update
We're aware of a problem with Gmail affecting a number of users. This problem occurred at approximately 1.30AM Pacific Time. We're working hard to resolve this problem and will post updates as we have them. We apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused.

Christian Schmuck
Data Center and Systems Administrator
Adobe Systems Software Ireland Ltd.
4 - 6 Riverwalk
Citywest Business Campus
Saggart, D24
+353 1 242 6781
86781 (Internal)

Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited
Registered office: 4 - 6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Park, Saggart, Dublin 24 , Ireland
Company Number: 344992

Only account-level failure - same system, using different browsers,
going after different accounts - fails one in three.


Problem was seen here in Pakistan too. But, now its ok as I am sending this
email :).

Problem was seen here in Pakistan too. But, now its ok as I am sending this
email :).

Only account-level failure - same system, using different browsers,
going after different accounts - fails one in three.

Report in the UK Guardian : Gmail fails: Tech world grinds to a halt | Google | The Guardian

It is not coming up for me, BTW.


The web interface is down in Ireland too.
But IMAP access is working fine.

In Germany was down as well, but now works fine again.


I guess gmail is working everywhere on the globe again.
We encountered the same problems here in Austria (web, imap was working all
the time), too, but everything seems to be fine at the moment.

Greets from the snowy Tyrol,

Status Update

Many of our users had difficulty accessing Gmail today. The problem is now resolved and users have had access restored. We know how important Gmail is to our users, so we take issues like this very seriously, and we apologize for the inconvenience.