glue record

I'm looking for glue record for so I ask one of the root
name server.
It gives me the list of dot mobi authorized name servers.

I'm expecting it to be answered by one of the mobi tld authorized name
servers, but it's telling me that it delegates the answer to instead. It does not make sense for me because how can I
ask if I don't know its ip address yet...
Clue please..?

Did you check the "ADDITIONAL SECTION" in what you've pasted below?


Because it gave you the IP of ns1 & in the additional section? Looks like a pretty normal answer for a TLD server.

John van Oppen
Spectrum Networks LLC
206.973.8302 (Direct)
206.973.8300 (main office)

Beat me to it.. Bleh.

Though I will admit, this reminds me of a very painful experience when I
got my first dedicated server back in 1999. Death me to BIND. Glad I'm
not a DNS admin :slight_smile:


I did see the info from additional section, but:

Afaik the additional section is not an answer, they're just additional
info, not an authorized answer from the queried name server. I'm
expecting to get a reply for my 'A' query in the 'answer section'.

Now, from the 'authority section' dig is telling me that I can get the
authorize answer from But isn't that circular


* Anton Zimm:

I did see the info from additional section, but:

Afaik the additional section is not an answer, they're just additional
info, not an authorized answer from the queried name server. I'm
expecting to get a reply for my 'A' query in the 'answer section'.

The MOBI. servers are not authoritative for PUSH.MOBI., so returning
data from PUSH.MOBI. in the answer section would be wrong.

(ATLAS does this, but this doesn't make it right.)

Now, from the 'authority section' dig is telling me that I can get the
authorize answer from But isn't that circular

That's why the address is in the additional section.

No offense, but a few minutes on Google should be able to tell you far more
than you will ever need to know about how glue works (The above URL is the
#1 hit for "dns glue")


I get this: MOBI servers are not authoritative for zone, is authoritative for it.

But since is inside zone, this create circular
reference. Afaik to solve this circular dependency, there has to be a
Glue record for somewhere in root nameservers or mobi

I can not find the Glue Record. Where is the Glue Record?



* Anton Zimm:

I can not find the Glue Record. Where is the Glue Record?

It's in the additional section.

You've been told where it is. Stop repeating the question. Its answer
won't change.


I did google and check wikipedia and other sources before posting the
initial question. I didn't understand it thoroughly before, I think I
understand more now.


what you are looking for no longer exists.
  there is no "glue" record per se. As Florian pointed out,
  a couple of implementations do what you expect, but BIND 4.x
  varients, esp at the TLD level, are scarce.

  As has been explained to you several times, modern thinking
  has settled on one (not particularly obvious) way to deal w/
  the circular dependence problem. It really is better to only
  have to think about this problem space in one way.


Google is your ... well ... anyway.

Anton Zimm wrote: