GigaRouter (Was Re: Cisco as Big Brother))

But when we are generating our gated's and IOS's configs from the
data base - this task is much easy for _gated_ than for _IOS_.

It would be useful if at least some of the folks doing config
generations from databases could get together and do some collaboration.

Its amazing to me the number of ISPs that don't have these tools. (Andrew Partan)

  > But when we are generating our gated's and IOS's configs from the
  > data base - this task is much easy for _gated_ than for _IOS_.

  It would be useful if at least some of the folks doing config
  generations from databases could get together and do some collaboration.

When and where? It's whery interesting for us (since we spend much time ttrieing
to join together data base, IOS's configuration _before 11.2 Release - it's
easy in this new version_, and gated. It seems for me there is a lot of ISP
(much greater than we are) who did tried the same.

Moreover, I have one question.

We there are strictly controlling our customers via filters and access lists
because we know exactly ip networks he have, and all channels he can use
to anounce this networks, and so on - (except some peers). I hardly believe it's
common practice for ISP now, through I think it'll be the only way to make
ISP business in few next years. Why (or I am wrong and a lot of people are
working around this) nobody tries to coordinate efforts of those who
wrote this data bases, filter lists and so on...

There exist RIPE and other data bases - yes. They does have
route objects. But this objects are (usially) oriented to
the As path filtering, not more. Who really builds filter lists
for the networks via data bases? I know about MCI (and their DB); our
provider EUnet build this list by hands (exactly Peer Bilse's hands -:));
no one of scientific networks there does more than AS-path filtering.

  Its amazing to me the number of ISPs that don't have these tools.
 (Andrew Partan)

It's amazing to me too. writes:

  > There exist RIPE and other data bases - yes. They does have
  > route objects. But this objects are (usially) oriented to
  > the As path filtering, not more.


in the original design of the routing registries policies are
based *only* on prefix (network). In ripe-181 you *cannot* use
AS paths to specify policy. We did this for several reasons but
mainly because using AS paths requires knowledge about non-local
topology. That knowledge, if present at all, tends to age very quickly
and it is very easy to shoot yourself in the foot or more vital
body parts using AS path filtering.

AS path capability was later added but I doubt it is in very
widespread use.

  > Who really builds filter lists for the networks via data bases?

There are a couple of providers who do it. The biggest I know of is

