GigaRouter (Was Re: Cisco as Big Brother))

Bay is not. Proteon is not. Gated (for me, so far) is not.
Microrouters are not. Morningstars are/(?were?). Livingstons
are not.

Why Livingstons are not??? They're terribly easy to configure, IMHO...

> Aleksei Roudnev, Network Operations Center, Relcom, Moscow

I can only speak for myself, of course.

Me too,


ok so livingstons are easy to configure.. but are they easy to
REconfigure?? NOPE!! Is it easy to take a look at the entire configuration
at one glance??? NOPE!!

If your livingston were to go down and you needed a new livingston, start
praying to god. Miss one detail and you are still dead.


In-Reply-To: <> from "Avi
Freedman" at Oct 21, 96 09:23:08 am

the livingston comparision is not even warrented, they lack any
real extensible functionality (only RIP for one exam.)

and with over 30% failure rate on hardware, don't even think about it.

Bay is not. Proteon is not. Gated (for me, so far) is not.
Microrouters are not. Morningstars are/(?were?). Livingstons
are not.

Why Livingstons are not??? They're terribly easy to configure, IMHO...

> Aleksei Roudnev, Network Operations Center, Relcom, Moscow

I can only speak for myself, of course.

Me too,


> Bay is not. Proteon is not. Gated (for me, so far) is not.
> Microrouters are not. Morningstars are/(?were?). Livingstons
> are not.

Why Livingstons are not??? They're terribly easy to configure, IMHO...

You *must* be joking. Or maybe you haven't worked with a Livingston
frame relay port that has multiple PVCs on it. It is *in no way*
"super-elegant and thus easy to predict and use", not even close.